Exuvi8 Taking the heat out of data centre cooling

exuviate: verb. ex-u-vi-ate. To cast off or shed; moult.

Established in 2020 by Tim Chambers and Angela Meah, Exuvi8’s mission is to ‘cast off’ the image of wasteful, inefficient data centres.

We are committed to designing high performance, energy efficient facilities which foreground environmental sustainability and are built to best practice standards, including EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres (Energy Efficiency), CEEDA, and EN 50600.

Whether requiring consultancy services, research and testing capabilities, or complete solutions, Exuvi8 can support clients in achieving their business goals and ESG targets.

Exuvi8 USPs

Environmental awareness in data centre provision requires joined up thinking which goes beyond switching to renewables. Our methodology is premised upon finding ways of reducing the physical, energy, and carbon footprints of data centres, but without having to sacrifice power density or performance. With a proven track record in designing, testing, and integrating single and dual phase immersion cooling, we know that – both literally and metaphorically – deployment of novel solutions needn’t cost the earth and – more importantly – can help clients to meet their compliance targets.

With the marketplace flooded with self-professed immersion cooling ‘experts,’ we are increasingly hearing from end users who complain that neither these, nor the manufacturers, are able to explain how innovations in cooling technologies can be integrated with incumbent technology. Likewise, hardware requirements, and any hardware or software modifications required to interface either with each other, or existing building management systems, is overlooked. Knowing how to answer these questions is our ‘secret sauce.’

Exuvi8 Project Life Cycle

We aim to relieve some of the headaches associated either with upgrading an existing data centre, or completely designing and deploying a new one, offering something unique in the marketplace.

With a combined focus on developing solutions which meet global concerns regarding both energy security and climate change, and an emphasis on evidence-based decision making, we can help clients with anything from proving a business case, to delivering a complete solution. Our approach embraces the whole project life-cycle and is supported by end-to-end partners.

Exuvi8 Services

Supported by a strong network of partners, we are able to offer a range of services across the data centre design and deploy life-cycle. From Proof of Concept and Pilot studies to complete solutions, we can support clients with decisions concerning power and cooling, data centre architecture, IT, software, and connectivity.

Utilising a consultative approach, we view every project as unique and will engage with clients to identify and deliver bespoke solutions which address their business needs most effectively.

Exuvi8 R&D Partners

Our vision of reducing the environmental impact of the digital infrastructure industry is supported by research and development relationships with leading players across the data centre supply chain: mechanical and electrical, power, connectivity, IT and hardware manufacturers, software developers, integrators, and distribution.

Working collaboratively, we are supporting each other to push the boundaries of innovation, enabling us to deliver bespoke solutions to meet clients’ business requirements. Importantly, this includes committing to Proof of Concept research to mitigate the risks associated with purchasing unproven technologies.