Commitment to ESG

Our Mission

While environmental sustainability used to be a ‘nice-to-have,’ it is now featuring as a ‘must-have’ on policy agendas across the globe with the setting of net-zero targets and introduction of legislation in various countries to support their achievement. Indeed, within the EU, corporate sustainability due diligence has recently become mandatory for large companies.

However, for businesses of all sizes, commitment to corporate social responsibility has been incentivised by reports that 79% of investors consider ESG factors when investing in a company, with 49% also indicating that they would sell their investment if they believed that insufficient measures were being taken to address ESG. What this means is that it is no longer acceptable to simply pay lip-service to the green agenda, and that businesses are now required to demonstrate transparency and accountability in terms of leadership and governance.

How, then, to align the challenge of commerciality and ESG within the digital infrastructure industry?

Our Vision

We aim to reimagine data centres as ‘energy centres’ which make positive contributions to the communities in which they are located. Our solutions can support businesses in achieving their ESG targets in several ways:

1. Reducing power consumption through optimised processes and choice of cooling technologies.

2. Reducing carbon emissions via the repurposing of surplus heat and energy.

3. Complying with best practice standards– including EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres (Energy Efficiency) and CEEDA.

4. Facilitating the collection of data required to support compliance reporting.

5. Creating opportunities to develop workforce capability regarding new technologies.

Our Strategy

Realising our vision of reducing the environmental impact of the digital infrastructure industry is not something we can do on our own; nor is it something that can be achieved by working in individual silos.

Instead, we have developed an inter-disciplinary approach involving experts representing all aspects of the data centre design, build, and operate continuum – manufacturers, power, IT, software, connectivity, finance, build, resellers, and – importantly – clients. Through collective innovative thinking, we are more likely to achieve our aims and leave a positive legacy for future generations.